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Allegheny Airlines began as All American Aviation Company, a business founded by du Pont family brothers Richard C. du Pont and Alexis Felix du Pont, Jr. in 1939
In 1949 the company was renamed All American Airways as it switched from airmail to passenger service. It was again renamed, to Allegheny Airlines, in 1952. In August 1953 it scheduled flights to 32 airports and in May 1968 to 46.
As deregulation dawned, Allegheny — looking to shed its regional image — changed its name to USAir on October 28, 1979
Under USAir, which again rebranded itself as US Airways, the Allegheny name continued to be used by the US Airways parent company, keeping the trademark under US Airways' control
US Airways is a major U.S. airline owned by the US Airways Group, headquartered in Tempe, Arizona. It operates an extensive international and domestic network, with 198 destinations throughout North America, South America, Europe, and the Middle East.
In February 2013, American Airlines and US Airways announced plans to merge, creating the largest airline in the world. In the deal, which is expected to close in the third quarter of 2013, stakeholders of AMR, American Airlines' parent, will own 72% of the company. US Airways shareholders will own the remaining 28%. The combined airline will carry the American Airlines name and branding.
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Re: Кино про Авиалайнеры
11 года 7 мес. назад #3553
BOAC presents: Tomorrow Is Theirs - 1950s Promo Film
A promo film made by BOAC during the 1950s, showing all aspects of the airlines operations from the ground up. Features the Bristol Britannia, and the Boeing Stratocruiser.