В свете появления реальных фото Звездинского 777-300 и в непонятках относительно коробочной декали, предлагаю покидаться фото "длинных" 777 (безотносительно - ER/LR - в смысле толстые-тонкие двигатели - какие надо - такие и поставим).
От первых фото литников буржуйцы уже
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Oh, I just wet my pants! ! Look at those tiny little flies around it!
Злобно клевещут
Looks nice from what you can see, but I'm a little surprised that the landing light in the wing root is just a scribed oval. Really??
Misterblank :
I think I see the proper kink in the nose roofline too, sweet!
There really, truly, honestly is no "kink" in the roof line. At the very most there is a very slight discontinuity (flattening) of the continuous curve from the top of the windscreen back to FS 495.00, which is the tangent point of the constant diameter fuselage section. There just isn't anything remotely like a hard "kink" on the real 777. I've got a ton of 777 technical documents from Boeing and literally thousands of photos.
Но это всё от бессильной ярости